👋Hi there, I’m Jingbo, who is fond of Geometric Analysis and General Relativity!

🧑‍🎓 I am a fifth year graduate student at Columbia University, supervised by both Professor Mu-Tao Wang and Professor Elena Giorgi.

🙋 I am on job market in 2024 fall.

🏫 I was an undergraduate student in Hong Kong University of Science and technology, supervised by Professor Frederick Fong.

More about me

✨ My research interests are differential geometry, partial differential equation, general relativity and so on, especially various aspects of Blackholes.

📃 So far, my appeared works are about positive curved manifolds, parabolic geometric/heat flows or hyperbolic equations on blackholes:

  1. (Joint with Elena Giorgi) “Boundedness and Decay for the Teukolsky System in Kerr-Newman Spacetime II: The Case a « M, Q < M in Axial Symmetry,” preprint.
  2. “Sharp Interior Gradient Estimate for Area Decreasing Graphical Mean Curvature Flow in Arbitrary Codimension,” submitted.
  3. (Joint with Man-Chun Lee and Luen-Fai Tam) “Rigidity of Area Non-Increasing Maps,” submitted.
  4. (Joint with Man-Chun Lee) “Rigidity of Contracting Map Using Harmonic Map Heat Flow,” submitted.
  5. (Joint with Elena Giorgi) “Physical-Space Estimates for Axisymmetric Waves on Extremal Kerr Spacetime,” , to appear in J. Funct. Anal.
  6. (Joint with Florian Johne and Tsz-Kiu Aaron Chow) “Preserving Positive Intermediate Curvature,” J Geom Anal 33, 366 (2023).
  7. (Joint with Nicholas Cheng-Hoong Chin and Frederick Tsz-Ho Fong) “Uniqueness Theorems of Self-Conformal Solutions to Inverse Curvature Flows,” Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), 4967-4982.

    See my PUBLICATIONS LIST for more details.

🧑‍🏫 For seminars and talks, I co-organized several student seminars in Columbia University:

🗣️ For invited talks, here is a list of events or seminars:

  • Mathematical GR and Hyperbolic PDE Seminar - Virtual, Sep 2024
  • Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations Seminar - UC Berkeley, Sep 2024
  • Mini-workshop in Geometric Analysis - SUSTech, Aug 2024
  • Seminar ON Pure Mathematics - HKUST, Aug 2024
  • Topics in General Relativity at Mathematics Munster - Munster University, Jul 2024
  • Westlake University Geometric Analysis Seminar - Westlake University, online, Apr 2024
  • BIMCR Geometric Analysis Seminar - BIMCR, online, Mar 2024
  • CUNY Geometric Analysis Seminar - CUNY Graduate Center, Sep 2023
  • Geometric Analysis Seminar - CUHK, Aug 2023
  • Seminar ON Pure Mathematics - HKUST, Aug 2023
  • MIST 2023 Workshop on Geometry - CUHK, Aug 2023
  • Joint Geometric Analysis Seminar - CUHK, Jun 2023
  • Columbia General Relativity & Geometric Analysis Seminar - Columbia University, Oct 2022

    Invited lectures:

  • Short course: semi-linear wave equation on blackholes - CUHK, Aug 2023

    For more details of talks I contributed to the student seminars and invited talks, see my TALKS LIST.

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